
The following is a brief history of the Fronterra Village neighborhood:
November 2000 The Developer creates the Fronterra Village Metropolitan District
July 2001 Commerce City approves the Fronterra Village No. 1 subdivision development plan (385 single family home lots).
August 2001 Commerce City approves the Fronterra Village No. 2 subdivision development plan (385 additional single family home lots).

December 2001 The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Fronterra Village (i.e. CC&Rs) is filed and the lots in the neighborhood are annexed into and become subject to the CC&Rs.
July 2001 The Fronterra Village Homeowners Association, Inc. is incorporated and assumes responsibility for enforcing the CC&Rs and providing architectural review services to the neighborhood. The owners of all 770 houses within the District become shareholders in/owners of the Association.

December 2002 The first single family home is sold by a builder to a homeowner.

September 2001 The District issues bonds totaling approximately $7.2 million to finance the build-out of the streets, sidewalks, park, utility lines, perimeter fencing, open space landscaping and storm water drainage infrastructure within the Fronterra Village Filing No 1 subdivision.
January 2003 Commerce City approves the Fronterra Village Townhome Subdivision development plan (203 townhome units).
May 2003 The Fronterra Village Townhome Association, Inc. is incorporated and assumes responsibility for enforcing the CC&Rs and providing architectural review services to the 203 townhome units. The owners of all 203 townhomes within the District become shareholders in/owners of the Townhome Association.

March 2004 Beazer Homes builds and sells the first of 203 town homes.
March 2007 The District issues bonds totaling approximately $3.9 million to finance the build-out of the streets, sidewalks, park, utility lines, perimeter fencing, open space landscaping and storm water drainage infrastructure within the Fronterra Village Filing No 2 subdivision.
December 2014
The last of the 770 single family homes is constructed and sold to homeowners.
September 2015 Commerce City completes construction of the 19.8 acre Fronterra Village park on the east side of the District.
August 2017 The last town home is constructed and sold by the builder.
May 2018 Homeowners are elected to the District board, and the District board is governed for the first time by an independent board of directors.

General NEIGHBORHOOD Statistics

Single-Family Homes
High Low Average
Lot size 0.34 acres 0.11 acres 0.1456 acres
Living space (Note A) 3,274 sqft 1,292 sqft 2,047 sqft
Garage size 1043 sqft 375 sqft 489 sqft
Basement size 2,278 sqft 312 sqft 813 sqft
Bedrooms 6 rooms 2 rooms 3 rooms
Bathrooms 4.5 bathrooms 1.5 bathrooms 2.5 bathrooms
Other Data
# of homes with no basements 169
S-F Homes were constructed between 2002 and 2014
# of developed lots 770
# of undeveloped lots 0

Note A -- Living space data excludes the garage and basement.